Indonesian IP Office and National Research Institution to Collaborate on IP Optimalization

A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed on March 1, 2023, between the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), marking official commencement of collaboration between both state institutions for integrating and optimizing the outcomes of national research and innovation.

Minister of Laws and Human Rights, Yasonna Laolly, stated that the MoU has strategic importance due to BRIN’s position as the only research institution with extensive research data in Indonesia, and as the current holder of more than 2,500 intellectual property assets consisting of 2,371 patents, 352 copyrighted works, 122 industrial designs, 46 marks, and 17 plant varieties.

The portfolios are accumulated from research carried out respectively by the Aviation and Space Agency (LAPAN), Indonesian Science Agency (LIPI), Technology Research and Implementation Agency (BPPT), and National Atomic Energy Agency (BATAN) since 1991 until integration of the four agencies into BRIN in 2021, as well as from research carried out under BRIN from 2021 onwards.

Another cooperation agreement was also signed by the Acting Director General of Intellectual Property and BRIN’s Deputy of Research and Innovation Facilitation. The cooperation agreement provides a framework for exchange and interoperability of intellectual property data and information, institutional and human resources capacity upgrade, as well as intellectual property management support between both institutions, aimed particularly at protection, utilization and commercialization of national research and innovation outcomes.

Yasonna also used the same occasion as an opportunity to officially recognize former Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri for her important role in supporting the advancement of intellectual property in Indonesia. This role was carried out particularly in her capacity as the Chairwoman of BRIN’s Steering Council. According to Yasonna, Megawati was one of the earlier proponents for the formation of BRIN, who has consistently played an active role in promoting the importance of research and innovation, as well as becoming one of primary endorsers for increasing national research budget to reach 5% from GDP.


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