Kusno Hadi Kuncoro

Managing Partner, Registered IP Attorney


Kusno Hadi KuncoroKusno Hadi Kuncoro is the Managing Partner of BATAVIA PATENTSERVIS ASIA (BPA).

Mr. Kuncoro has experiences in domestic and international patent prosecution including PCT application. He is responsible for the whole IP works in the firm, from drafting, searching, filing and prosecution until maintenance. He supervises all IP-related legal opinions prepared by Patent or Trademark teams. He has been teaching drafting for patent at local biotechnological company and universities. In addition to chemical and pharmaceutical, he also drafted inventions in mechanical, electronic and IT fields. 



Mr. Kuncoro has considerable IP and technological experiences since 1994, with main strength in patent, industrial design and trademark. Prior to joining BPA, he was the expert member and then Head of Patent Group of AMR Partnership [formerly AMROOS & Partners] (2004-2011). Before that, he started his career as assistant to Production Manager of a national pharmaceutical industry and then spent 9 years as Operational and Technical Manager in an engineering firm with international affiliations.

He took various IP courses and seminars, domestic and overseas, among others: Course on International Trademark Law & Practice, Boston, 2019; JPAA Seminar, Jakarta 2015; a three-months IP Course at Faculty of Law, Binus University, 2014; JPO/IPR Training for Patent Expert, Tokyo, Japan, 2013; EPO/FICPI-SEAD Patent Drafting Course (sandwiched), Bangkok, 2009.

Prior to entering IP profession, he enjoyed various technical/engineering courses since 1994-2003 domestically and overseas (held in France, Germany, Switzerland & USA) in the field of oil-gas, process technologies, petrochemistry, chromatography, high pressure equipment, laboratory to pilot instruments.

He also found his passion through organization. Currently he is Head of Education, Research and Development of the country’s IP Attorneys organization (AKHKI). At international level, he is member of APAA (Asian Patent Attorneys Association) since 2004, member of Emerging IP Committee (2009-2015), Patent Committee (2016-2019) and currently serving as the Vice President of APAA Indonesian Group. He is also member of AIPPI. Beside attending and organizing national IP seminars, he also frequently attended annual meeting and congress for APAA, AIPPI, INTA, AIPF and FICPI.

Recently, he has been one of contributors to some Japan surveys on effect of Nagoya Protocol on IP issues in Indonesia and also survey on patent legislation issues.
His name is recommended in the 2016-2019 Edition of WHO’S WHO LEGAL (WWL) for Patent Agent/Attorneys.



  • English
  • Bahasa Indonesia


  • AKHKI (The Indonesian Intellectual Property Attorneys Association)
  • AIPPI (Association Internationale Pour La Protection De La Propriete Intellectuelle)
  • APAA (Asian Patent Attorneys Association)
  • INTA (International Trademark Association) 
  • AIPF (Association of Intellectual Property Firms)
  • IIPAA (Indonesia Intellectual Property Alumni Association) / IP Friends


  • Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences., University of Padjadjaran (Unpad), Bandung, Indonesia.

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