
New Collective Management Organizations for Traditional Music

The Directorate General of Intellectual Property (“DGIP”), recently granted operational license to three new collective management organization (“CMO”), or officially known in Indonesia as Lembaga Management Kolektif (“LMK”). Different from the previous existing LMKs, the three new LMKs are specializing in collective rights management of Indonesian traditional music. The Director of Copyright and Industrial Designs,

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Indonesian’s Drawings Showcased at The 2024 Golden Globe

Noviadi Angkasapura has all the rights to be proud of his achievements recently. The non-professional artist who was born in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia, forty-four years ago had just got major recognition for his works. More particularly, one of his drawings was featured and printed in a blouse worn by Justine Triet, French movie director and

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New Patent and Trademark Appeal Commissions Appointed

The Minister of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, Yasonna Laoly, had officially appointed members of Patent as well as Trademark Appeal Commissions for the 2024-2027 tenure, during an inauguration ceremony that took place at the main hall of the Ministry’s headquarters in Jakarta on February 6, 2024. The Patent Appeal Commission

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Indonesia Enacted Publishers’ Rights Regulation

President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, or Jokowi, recently signed a new Presidential Regulation (Peraturan Presiden/Perpres), under the long title “Presidential Regulation no. 32 of 2024 concerning Digital Platform Corporate Responsibilities in supporting Quality Journalism”. The Perpres was officially enacted on February 20, 2024, and since the drafting stage it has been known

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Performing Rights Royalties Still Fall Short of Expectation

The National Collective Management Organization (LMKN) had officially announcement on the total collected amount of royalties for musical performing rights throughout the 2023 fiscal year. The announcement was made during the two-days 2024 Annual Coordination Meeting of LMKN that was held at the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights compound in South Jakarta on January

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Local Electronics Company aims to Build IPR Portfolios in Semiconductor Chip’s Design

Indonesian consumer electronics company, PT Hartono Istana Teknologi – more famously known as its primary brand, Polytron – has recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Belgian nanoelectronics R&D company IMEC (Interuniversity Microelectrics Centre) for the purpose of providing Indonesian youths trainings in semiconductor chips design. According to the company’s representative, Joegianto, in a

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Indonesian Cement Company Obtained Patent on White Clay

An Indonesian cement manufacturer, PT Semen Baturaja, Tbk (SMBR), recently has been successful in obtaining patent protection in Indonesia for its invention on white clay. The patent was granted on October 10, 2023, by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) and is assigned registration number IDP000090055. The invention for which the patent is filed

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The intellectual property office of Indonesia – Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) – recently held the 71st ASEAN Working Group on Intellectual Property Cooperation (AWGIPC), which took place in Lombok, one major island of the archipelagic province of West Nusa Tenggara. The event itself is a regular forum where delegates from national intellectual property


Constitutional Court to Decide on Broadening Copyright Law Interpretation to Cover Digital Platforms

Indonesia’s law on copyright, the Law no. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright is becoming the object of yet another judicial review at the Constitutional Court, after the failure of one major music label’s lawsuit last year to revoke Articles 18 and 25 of the law related to reversionary rights. This time the judicial review lawsuit

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