
Visit to INTA and New Expert Examiners on Trademark

Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP), Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, have been exchanging contacts and visits with the International Trademark Association (INTA). First part of the exchange occurred when INTA delegates recently made an audience with the Director General of Intellectual Property, Min Usihen, at the DGIP Office […]

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New Geographical Indication and Communal IP Into Protection

Arabika Java Sukapura Tasikmalaya coffee has been the most recent addition to the lineup of local Indonesian coffees that was granted Geographical Indication protection. The awarding ceremony was held Bandung, West Java, on December 22, 2022. Arabika Java Sukapura Tasikmalaya itself is a variety of Arabica coffee that has been grown exclusively within the Regency

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Dirjen KI Harapkan Profesionalitas Pemeriksa Merek Utama pada Tahun Merek 2023

Jakarta – Direktur Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual (Dirjen KI) Min Usihen menyatakan harapannya akan kinerja para pemeriksa merek dilaksanakan penuh integritas dan profesionalitas, utamanya di tahun 2023 yang telah dicanangkan sebagai Tahun Merek Nasional. Hal tersebut disampaikannya dalam sambutan pengambilan sumpah jabatan pejabat fungsional Pemeriksa Merek Utama dan Komisi Banding Paten. “Tahun ini kita telah canangkan

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Outcomes of Four Recent Sessions of The Patent Appeal Commissions

Indonesian Patent Appeal Commission recently held a series of open sessions to discuss a number of patent applications brought for the Commission’s deliberation. The first session concerned with a third-party appeal filed by Indonesia for Global Justice, a Jakarta-based NGO who has been active in social justice and global liberalization issues, against patent granting of

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Demolition of Counterfeit Products and IPR Infringing Articles

The Indonesian IP Office – Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) – on May 12, 2023, conducted a ceremony where hundreds of counterfeit products as well as IPR-infringing articles were publicly annihilated. Director of Investigation and Dispute Settlement of the DGIP, Anom Wibowo, personally led the ceremony, where he symbolically commenced the main program by

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Indonesian Mall Certification as Best Practices in Asean

The ongoing program where shopping malls and department stores are given intellectual property-based certification has recently been cited as one of ASEAN best practices. The commendation was expressed by the Chairman of ASEAN Network of Intellectual Property Enforcement Experts (ANIIE), Christine V. Pangilinan-Canlapan, during its 11th meeting that was held in Manila, Philippines, on 27

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Change in The Flow of IPR Official Fees Payment

The Indonesian IP Office – Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) – has recently adjusted the flow to pay official fees for IPR registration. The change has been effectuated since May 3, 2023, for new patent and industrial design application, as well as patent annual maintenance, while new trademark application and trademark renewal followed later

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DGIP Held an FGD Tto Discuss Recent Hype on Performing Rights Licenses

A public discourse has been ongoing in various mainstream and social media platforms since the last four months concerning performing rights permission particularly for songs or musical compositions. The discourse first caught wider public attention when following a reunion concert Ahmad Dhani, the founder of an influential Indonesian rock band Dewa 19, openly forbid one

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Dispute at The National Collective Management Organization

Three former commissioners of the Indonesian National Collective Management Organization (LMKN), recently succeeded in challenging a Ministerial Decree that effectively terminated their commissionership only halfway through the tenure at the State Administrative Court of Central Jakarta. The object of the administrative lawsuit is the Decree of the Minister of Laws and Human Rights no. M.H.H-02.KI.01.04.01

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